Sunday, May 8, 2011

Harry Potter 

I love Harry Potter.  The series which came out over ten years ago was written by J.K. Rowling.  The books are brilliantly written, and capture the attention of readers of all ages.  My father and I have both read all seven books in the series.  I also own all seven books.  Although I wish I bought the hardcover version of all of them.  I have some in hard cover and some in soft cover.  The problem is that my students love these books, and the soft cover books are not holding up very well.

When I tell you that my students love these books, I really mean they LOVE these books.  I was thinking about this the other day because I have a bunch of students in my class reading the books.  The series is more than ten years old, and they are devouring these books.  Since J.K. Rowling introduced Harry Potter to the world, there have been plenty of other popular books that have come out.  However, none of them have had the staying power like the Harry Potter series.

The excitement the students have for the Harry Potter books is contagious.  They love discussing the books, and it makes other students want to read them.  I love that the books have influenced my students to become readers.  They read for enjoyment which will help them become lifelong readers.


series (n.) - things arranged one after the other

attention (n.) - notice

bunch (n.) - a group

introduced (v.) - presented for the first time

contagious (adv.) - spread easily; infectious

influenced (v.) - to sway someone; power causing someone to think or act in a certain way

devouring (v.) - to eat up greedily

 1 2      
ACROSS2. group
3. things arranged one after the other
6. presented for the first time
DOWN1. notice
4. eat up greedily
5. spread easily

Grammar Point
I have used some adverbs in my writing.  An adverb is a word that describes a verb.  For example: I run quickly.  In the example run is the verb and quickly is the adverb describing how I run.  See if you can find the adverbs in my writing. 

Practice: Try using adverbs in your writing to help create a better picture for your reader.

1 comment:

  1. I have only read the first Harry Potter book and that was years ago! I thoroughly enjoyed it, but never got around to reading the rest of the series. I have been planning to read them to my children after I am done with school. I think we will really enjoy them. I think there is a special quality in an author when they are able to write books that not only appeal to a wide audience of readers but also has the staying power that she does. I also wanted to tell you that I love the adverb video. I keep watching it and praying it will help me on our final exam!
